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Killin' it

New to the Collection

Jason Brooks and Naomi Mechem-Miller of Real Fiction Studios bring you Killin' It, a colorful horror movie-themed premium cosmetic line that lets you unleash your dark glamorous side. 

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Killin' It

Nightshade Liquid Lipstick + Shimmery Black gloss

Two-in-one Killin' it Nightshade liquid lipstick and lip gloss gives you all the options you could want for your dark and sexy pout. Rich and creamy matte black liquid lipstick on one side and shimmery black opaque black lip gloss on the other side. Solo matte, solo gloss, gloss on matte or step up your ombre lip game by blending either side into your favorite shade of lipstick.

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Killin' It

Cemetery Green Eyeshadow Palette

Rich and creamy green pots of color go on smooth and effortlessly creating a dramatic bold look. 

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Real Fiction Studios FX

We are a PNW based Makeup and Special FX team for Movies and TV. We are proud of our new makeup and apparel line and appreciate your support to help our small business grow.